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Launch My US Business

Get a Wyoming or Delaware based LLC or C-Corp. from anywhere in the world, In 3 – 5 Business Days.

Learn about the Company types

  • Limited Liability Company

    The abbreviation “LLC” stands for limited liability company, and it literally means what it says. A limited liability company where business owners separate their personal liabilities from the business liabilities. This effectively limits their own liability when it comes to company debts and responsibilities. When you form an LLC, your business becomes its own legal entity.
  • C Corporation

    A C corporation (or C-corp) is one of the several legal ways to structure your business. Corporations are generally most suitable from an investor’s perspective because their structure is designed to distribute ownership valued in stocks. It has Limited Liability and is a practical way to go if you are planning an IPO or intend to trade shares publicly.

What do I get, when I register my business?

When your file your US LLC or US C-Corp registeration with Bizrego, we provide you wtih what your need to hit the register and manage your business
  • US Company Formation
  • EIN (Tax ID)
  • US Bank Account
  • US Phone Number
  • US Business Address
  • Starter Branding Pack
  • Registered Agent
  • Secure Dashboard
  • Flex Support
  • Upto $40k in Perks & Rewards
Get a Wyoming or Delaware based LLC or C-Corp. from anywhere in the world

Why Launch a US based Business?

Incorporating in the USA gives you access to the best payment providers, startup tools, venture capital, tax benefits, banking, accelerators, and US-based customers. Additionally, US-based customers feel comfortable buying digital and physical products from companies registered in America.

Frequently asked question

How long does a United States company incorporation take?
US Incorporation and registration in Delaware or Wyoming takes an average of an average of 3 – 5 Business days to complete. One that os completed we file for your EIN which takes about 10 – 15 Working days.
Who can register a US company or business?
Anybody can register a US based Company
Will I get a bank account for my U.S Based business?
Yes a bank account will be setup for you with our partner banking service, Mercury or Brex Cash, Relay Financials.
Do I have to be in America to run my business?
NO, Bizrego provides support services through serveral partners to ensure you run your business from anywhere in the world.
What can I do at my virtual address?

Your US virtual address is a mail forwarding location by default with 10mails/month cost of scanning and forwarding to your preferred international address is covered by YOU, We are patnered with DHL to support this service, you can choose to extend the services at your assigned address and number of mails above 10. Please contact support for more information.

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